Phone: 308-345-2969 |
Average female weight full grown at our kennel 65-75
lbs - lean Reserve Your Puppy Process Click Here |
Update 1/1/2025
Accepting deposits for 2025'
If you think Hip/Elbow dysplasia is the only thing to test for in dogs, your wrong. Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) just as prevalent with worse outcome. We test our parent dogs to make sure this does not happen!
Katara & Simon BORN & SOLD OUT Take Home aprox Jan 21, 2025 |
OFA Good elbows normal / Blk & Tan / Mole Coat DM CBP Males: Puppy photos posted. Click here--> Facebook. If you do not have Facebook please request photos via email and text. |
OFA Good hips and elbows & DM N/N Clear Simon is 3/4 German Working Lines and 1/4 German Show Lines.
All puppies expected to be traditional looking like parents. Unlikely to get a longcoat.
Fleta & Simon Bred December 1st 2024. Take home end of March 25' |
AKC, OFA Hips Elbows Normal DM A/N, West German Show & German Working Lines Outcross Males: Puppy photos will be posted when they become available. Click here--> Facebook. If you do not have Facebook please request photos via email then we can text after that. |
Saddle back or Black/Tan Simon is 3/4 German Working Lines and 1/4 German Show Lines. From this combo breeding, we expect 1 or 2 longcoats but mostly short coats, saddle back markings. |
M&M & Simon Bred. Take Hompe aprox end of April 25' |
M&M OFA Good hips/elbows normal. DM Clear CBP She is a Solid Black Longcoat Males: Puppy photos posted. Click here--> Facebook. If you do not have Facebook please request photos via email and text. |
Saddle back or Black/Tan Simon is 3/4 German Working Lines and 1/4 German Show Lines. From this combo breeding, we expect 1 or 2 longcoats but mostly short coats, saddle back to bi color markings. Kennel may reserve 1st choice pup male and/or female
PJ & Ugo? To be bred Spring 2025 |
hips & elbows normal DM N/N Clear Part Working Lines and
German Show Lines. Males: Puppy photos posted. Click here--> Facebook. If you do not have Facebook please request photos via email and text. |
Uncertain on stud. Possibly my use Ugo semen in bank. This would be line breeding back on Ugo and attempt to get a litter from frozen semen from our founding stud, Ugo. Price increase due to the cost involved in this procedure. While we understand that this is not our normal procedure, we have confidence that same quality will be produced. Ugo is sire and great sire to hundreds of healthy puppies over the past 20 years.
Understand The Risk of Vaccinosis Video <--BEFORE vaccinating
This is the minimal puppy shots schedule we recommended to help avoid vaccinosis yet still protect your puppy.
More options for Buyers this Summer/Fall. See below.
Females Estimated Heat Cycles & Litters The list below is subject to change at anytime based on nature. As you can see, this Spring hasn't been prolific |
M&M to Simon | BRED
mid Dec 24' |
Wanda to Simon | 25'
hope to breed but questionable as she has only had 2 small AI litters. |
Katara to Simon | Bred
and Born 24' SOLD OUT Will go out later 1/2 of January 25' |
Fleta to Simon | BRED Dec 1st 24' |
PJ to ? | 25' plan
to breed |
Keela to Simon | Retired
and in her forever home in Hastings NE area |
Kahlie to ? | Heat
cycles off. Not sure on her cycles. She's never had a litter. |
Please research your dog food.
Brands from A to Z rating. A real eye opener click link --->. Dog food reviews
We recommend NutriSource. AMERICAN
MADE! 0 recalls, affordable without jeopardizing quality.
Dogs don't get high cholesterol so animal fat is not a problem for dogs. Portion
control with good source of meat based protein is the best way to go for all
life stages. If your dog is suffering weight get his thyroid checked and feed
him kibble with less carbs. Very common issue for altered dogs.
Our Puppies over 8 weeks are fed NutriSource
Chicken & Rice Adult All Life Stages.
Where to find a store near you to purchase
NutriSource <--click here and enter your zip code
2024 Waiting List Price $1,500 + 5.5% tax = $1,582.50 Deposit $250 is included in the above price, not in addition to the price. A list of males and list of females below. Choice of pup will still be based on when a deposit arrives. As each litter is born, we'll start placing Buyers from the top of the list, see below, and work our way down. Depositors can elect to forgo the current litter offered, above, and wait for the next litter(s) or accept a puppy from that litter that is born and available at that time, above. Buyers can forgo a litter(s) and wait for up to one year. Deposits are refundable if we can not supply a puppy of your choice; Example if a request for a short coat blk/tan male from a specific litter that has been announced bred and no males fitting that description is born from it, deposit is refundable within one year. This way of listing people will guarantee that a Buyer does not get bumped down on the list or miss out if a dam of their choice does not become pregnant after a planned breeding or has all Females and they wanted a Male etc. Each will stay at their spot until they get the pup and sex from the litter they find acceptable for up to one year. After one year the deposit is non-refundable and lost if someone can not commit or communicate with me on a timely fashion. You can specify what breeding you most desire if you have a certain hopeful litter, but this has no set boundaries as each pup will be offered, in accordance to deposit arrivals, once they are born and we state what is available, people on the waiting list can decline and go to the next litter if they choose. Everyone listed below has sent a deposit via PayPal or USPS, has been offered an available puppy above, but were not ready at this time for the puppy, or waiting for upcoming litters, or pending current coat lengths. We do not add people to the waiting list or make promises to contact people until a deposit has arrived or confirmed it is in the mail, pending deposit.* We will be compiling a waiting list for 2025 litters. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- As of 12/7/24 we have several reservations for Spring litters after Fleta
------------------------------------------------------- Dogs co-owned or new arrivals below |
Above Keela Both Keela & Disney Housed as family pets together and we do co-own litters. Lots of kids to handle. Below Retired Disney/Destiny Below: Katara
New Arrivals Luke DOB 23' Bi Color Stud. After he is OFA passing and DM tested we will provide his details. He is currently living with our local Sheriff. Can't wait to see how he grows into a handsome fellah.
Spay Neuter to wait at least 1.5 years old requirement. See links provided below
Spay/neuter before 5 ½ months of age is associated with a 70% increased aged-adjusted risk of hip dysplasia .To read the entirety of the information on spay / neuter, click link supplied here. You must wait 1.5 year to alter your pet due to growth plates not completed in the hips until 1.5 years of age. Or Click This UTube Video With Dr. Becker Explaining in detail.
Get all the facts about dog food
See what your paying for and what your dog may be paying the price for or benefiting from. Just a little bit of your time to research will make a difference. Remember your dogs' diet relies solely on what you choose to give it. This is all they get to eat. If you ate the same thing 3 times a day all your life wouldn't you want to know if it was a balanced nutritional diet?
Brands from A to Z rating. A real eye opener. Dog food reviews
Each of us has a budget and each dog different. I recommend to feed your dog the very best type of kibble you can afford. But keep in mind, price of kibbles doesn't necessarily mean better. There are some very high end kibbles that are very good running $80 for 25 lbs if you can afford it. Origen is a top quality kibble and so is Acana that would be very good to feed your dog. Obviously the very best type you can purchase is raw frozen prepared (don't try to make your own unless you are very educated about how to go about it). Don't beat yourself up if you can't afford or have the time for raw diet. Most people can't do raw or dehydrated food, including myself. So that's why its even more important to find the very best dry kibble possible at an affordable price. There are quality kibbles for $1 a lb. shop around and try to find warhouses for best prices.
Video on dog diet from the best to worst type. How to read label
Currently our puppies are being fed Nutri-Source Chicken and Rice Small/Med breed Puppy and at 7 weeks we start to mix with NutriSource Adult Chicken & Rice. We recommend that you purchase a bag of NutriSource Adult Chicken & Rice to continue to feed your puppy after purchase. GSD's grow very fast and too fast of growth with too many fillers (rice, corn, potatos, peas, etc) or just simply feeding too much, can cause pano, also known as growing pains, and also is the #1 factor in causing bad joints. I've seen some advise to feed your dog all he wants "free feed". A healthy dog with a good appitite, like our pups have, would overeat, get diarrhea and be overweight in no time. This is bad bad advise. Don't do it! Each dog is different so take observations weekly on his/her weight. Stomach should not hang lower than rib cage and stomach should not stick out farther than rib cage but rib cage bumps should not be visible. See Chart
When looking at dog food. Look for quality key
ingredients, whole meats, not animal bi-products (which
is junk left over from an animal after meat is cut off and not fit for human
consumption), no corn,
are chelated (easy
digestion), have added probiotics(promote growth of healthy bacteria for intestine/immune
digestion health).
Read here and
know ahead of time so you purchase the right bag.
See here why higher protein does not mean necessarily mean higher quality. I seldom look at that %. Look at the ingredients and where the % protein is coming from. Any type of meat Bi-product or corn is always always bad!!!
It is probably safe to say that if you get at least a 4 star rated dog food you will be ok. I found most anything under 4 star rated dog food drops significantly in quality and begin to get a lot of fillers, questionable controversial ingredients and main meat source bi-products, have added corn, most often not chelated, and no healthy probiotics.
Remember 2007 when so many dogs died from a recall on dog food and most people did not know until it was too late. To get email alert find out ASAP if your dog food is on recall.
German Shepherd Dog % of innocents of of Hip Dysplasia and Elbow Dysplasia Also see all breeds and compare.
Information on Coat length
The whole package must be wrapped up in a coat which is capable of withstanding temperatures ranging over a 150 degree variance. Animals working in the tropics must tolerate temperatures of well over 100 degrees, while those in the Canadian north may face temperatures of minus 40, so cold that exposed skin can freeze almost instantly. Obviously then, the amount of undercoat a dog carries will depend entirely on the climate he lives in, and should be judged accordingly. A very short or mole coat may be less attractive, but it could cope with extreme heat better (Fig 12). Normal coated dogs who possess the recessive long coat gene seem to show a little extra plushness and density (Fig 13). True long coats, which are no longer acceptable under the standard, can vary from an apparently normal coat with a bit of fringing at the ears and behind the legs, to a coat that a show collie would envy (Fig 14). The latter can be a chore to groom, and is not really practical, but it is weatherproof. I've never seen a coat which had no undercoat at all, but I've noticed that in very long coats, the long, soft undercoat mingles with the long, soft guard hairs so that they can be very hard to tell apart. The coat should be flat, not kinky or curled, but this is probably more esthetic that strictly practical. There are any number of hardy, cold weather breeds with curly and broken coats that have braved icy waters and winds for generations. While no one would want to see a kinky coated shepherd, a little wavy hair over the back or croup is not uncommon and is of no practical consequence whatever. -- Linda Shaw MBA
GSD Breed Types:
Are you curious as to the different colors that are produced in German Shepherds and what it may signify in temperaments? Answers below are my general observation based on extensive research and ownership of the different "types".Answer: There are two major types of German Shepherds, Working and Show . There are always exception to the the norm, but below is common for their "type".
Typical Working: DDR & Czech. Sable, solid black, bi-color and/or darker features. Czech have higher drive and agility. Performance is key and tend to not be quite as big. DDR's are noted for size, have blockier stout bodies and/or heads with not quite as much drive as their counter part Czech. Pros=Workable. Cons=non-typical colors and may be too much energy for an inactive family that does not want a dog with a high drive. These types likely will become destructive if lots of mental and physical activities do not take place.
German Show: black and red. Usually have substantial drive but usually wont excel in agility as well as working lines. They tend to have good size structure and excellent rich colors. Caution to check pedigree for too much in-breeding (line-breeding). Pros=Color and appearances. Cons=Top line back (roached).
American Show: black and tan/cream. American show snubs all Working GS dogs in their show ring and most German Show lines. They prioritizes body length, angulation, and their custom bred flying trot. American show lines usually have a lower drive and are better suited for less active people or show fanciers. Pros=AKC Shows only. Cons=Limited abilities, unstable frame with loose knocked back knees and typically lack nerves and I have personally observed a high incident of skin allergies.
What we do at Sehr Gut Wesen: Outcrossing. This is a cross between German Working and German Show lines. Our goal is to promote diversity and bring together positive attributes of both types. We do not have any American lines. GS dogs have more to offer than running them in circles in a ring and posing them for an exaggerated sloping backs with crumpled hind legs. Outcrossing will produce straight back frames. The end result is more of an old fashion, early type looking GSD. We avoid line-breeding.
An "oversized" or "giant" German Shepherd can look quite impressive but.....GSD Dogs in general were intended to be MEDIUM-sized, athletic, and agile. Small dogs have their share of miss proportioned health issues due to humans wanting something out of the ordinary. But there is also plenty of research to show that the same goes for the larger than normal breeds for their intended frame. The larger the dog the higher the incidents of joint problems, torsion/bloat problems, OCD problems, and heart problems. A GSD was never designed to handle 120+ pounds. In fact the founder's original breeding stock was much smaller 55-65 lbs, than the average GSD you'll see today. Normal Size German Shepherd is good! |
We Are Licenced by the State of Nebraska:
Note: Just because a dog is AKC or APR registered does not mean it has good hips or health or even comes from a reputable breeder. It just simply means the dog had a piece of paper signed and mailed into AKC or APR. It is the Breeder's responsibility to select healthy dogs and provide healthy environments. It is the Buyers responsibility to purchase from Breeders who screen their dogs for genetic disorders, maintain healthy environments, and supply a health guarantee. Any Breeder who has 3 or more breeding female dogs is required to be licensed. Unfortunately in the USA, x-raying hips and elbows is not required and only an option for the Breeder. We have taken the extra effort to to have our breeding dogs' hips and elbows x-rayed and HD-Fair or (A3) or better. Selected dogs are DM tested via OFA prior to breeding them to insure that none of the offspring will be at risk for DM. All documentation is on hand. Never buy from a pet shop or someone who won't let you see the parent dogs or puppy prior to purchase. Take caution to puppies registered other than AKC. Other registries have less regulations than AKC. We are and have been licensed and inspect for years by The State of Nebraska. We have also been inspected by AKC. What do these Inspector inspect? Proper housing, bedding, pen size and cleanliness, health of dogs, permanent identification via tattoo or microchip, AKC transfers, up-to-date vet records, food storage, pest control, and order and accuracy of paperwork on each dog and every puppy produced. Surprise inspection are the norm. This keeps the Breeder accountable year-round. |
What is DM and why is it so important to test for? Out of 7,761 German Shepherds tested Aprox 31.4% carry(can pass it down if bred to another carrier). 14.7 tested are at risk. How does a dog become "at risk" A/A, by two parent dogs carrying the copied gene of DM. Just watch this video and see what you are taking a risk of dealing with if you purchase a puppy from a breeder who does not test for DM. At about 6-7 years of age the dog will become lame in the rear, often mistaken for bad hips at first. Then in a matter of months the dog will be resorted to this and shortly then euthanasia is the humane thing to do. There is no cure! In 2008 they found the gene to detect this. No excuse for any breeder, to not have this done. Statistics of % of DM on German Shepherd Dogs is also found on OFA site. Many breeds are affected by this, not just GSD's. It is across the board males and females show and working. If you are a previous owner who has already dealt with this horrible genetic disease, I don't advise watching this video. This video is very graphic and sad and is geared for those who don't realize the seriousness of this condition that can easily be prevented by testing the parent dogs. There are arguments that there are other types of debilitating mobile diseases in large breed dogs that can cause lameness, yes, but why not rule this genetic one out?